Happy Monday! Starting today, we'll be sending a delicious #meatlessmonday recipe your way every other week!
To kick things off, we've combined the perfect ingredients to put together a really vibrant and tasty first recipe for you...Luminous Italian Stuffed Peppers. We used a red pepper, tofu,
cubed sweet potatoes, organic black beans, fire roasted tomatoes, Italian dressing, crushed red pepper, oregano, and thyme.
This meal is packed with nutritious ingredients, fiber, and essential vitamins. Mix all of these ingredients together, stuff into the red pepper and enjoy :)
Eating a variety of plants and being creative is important in having a balanced diet. We aim to eat the colors of the rainbow. Eating a mix of colorful foods can be an easier way to get a complete range of vitamins and minerals to help keep your body fueled!
Here are some helpful tips to eating a variety of foods everyday:

- Eat a beautiful breakfast with different colored fruits and vegetables. Get creative! We suggest making a smoothie or a smoothie bowl.
- Enjoy exciting salads. Focus on making your salads with a variety of different foods. Our favorite is spinach, kale, black beans, lentils, sweet potatoes, and a yummy vegan dressing.
- Make colorful meals that use every color! Try using red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, brown, and black.