Shipping & Delivery Terms
Updated: December 2024
We strive to provide our customers with the best experience possible and want to ensure your Slice soda deliver to you ice cold! To maintain this level of quality, all orders are packed with gel packs and shipped in special eco-friendly insulated boxes Monday-Wednesday. All packages ship via FedEx 2 day.
It is the responsibility of FedEx to deliver your order after it has shipped from our facility. We have seen some delays from FedEx in recent weeks. If you have questions about a shipment after you receive the shipping confirmation, please contact FedEx and reference your tracking number.
We are not currently able to ship to P.O. Boxes or anywhere outside of the US. Please make sure you enter the address of a home or business within the US.
FedEx is instructed to leave your package at your door whenever possible. Some locations may require your signature. It will be at FedEx's discretion whether it is safe to leave your package. Slice is not responsible for lost or stolen packages, product that has been left out for extended periods of time, weather, or other unrelated delays. Please contact FedEx with any questions about shipments.
Additionally, Slice cannot be held responsible for damaged or compromised wellness shots due to the following reasons:
Incorrect addresses. We ship to the exact address you enter at checkout. Please double check that your address is correct before submitting your order. Please contact FedEx if they are having trouble delivering to your particular address.
Unopened shipments. Slice shipping boxes are clearly marked “PERISHABLE” and must be opened with shots being refrigerated upon receipt. Slice products are perishable and clearly marked with expiration dates. They must be consumed within these dates.