At Suja, we truly believe that healthiness is the root of happiness and when we juice without the junk, we feel it. As Suja’s Health and Wellness Expert, I wanted to share with you the benefits of juicing so we can all kick off the new year with cold-pressed freshness! Filling your body with clean, organic fruits and veggies is one of the primary ways to have continued vibrant health and well-being. Plus, in recent years, studies have shown juicing can both increase physical health and contribute to a positive mindset and increased self-worth. When you’re making healthy choices for yourself, your body, spirit, and mind reap the benefits!
So, is the juice worth the squeeze? Yes! Here’s why:
- Most people fall short of getting their daily servings of veggies. Juicing not only makes this easier and more accessible, but it also allows the body to absorb the nutrients faster since there are no fibers for the body to digest.
- Removing these fibers by drinking cold-pressed juice gives your digestive system a break which in turn delivers more energy and stamina to the rest of your body. Fiber is great for regulating and cleaning out your digestive tract (and we definitely need it), however, there is a significant energy expenditure that your body undergoes when it has to separate juice from fiber.
- Regular juicing in combination with a healthy diet also contributes to slowing down the aging process, increasing cognition and enjoying a more robust sex drive. Let’s face it, we could all use a bit more of that right?! ;-)
- Juicing inundates your body with a much needed assortment of healthy nutrients and a surefire way of incorporating the recommended value of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet.
- 65% of Americans struggle with being overweight and juicing helps with weight loss. A 3-Day juice Fresh Start will do wonders for controlling appetite and cravings. Your body will naturally start losing the lbs. Some of this is water weight or bloating, but also fat will begin to shed, especially as you integrate a fitness regimen.
- Juicing also helps with detoxification. Providing the body with super nutrient rich foods allows it to detoxify and remove cumulative toxins stored in the body. It also restores alkalinity and balance to your system. Since fresh juice is absorbed very quickly, it hits the blood and liver, enhancing the detoxification process and making it easier for the liver to do its job.
- Juicing improves energy! Even after the first day, your energy and clarity will increase. Green juices will especially help because of their chlorophyll content. The green pigment in plants that brings oxygen to the blood creates increased brain function and energy.
- Sipping on Suja also hydrates the body which is critical for optimal physical and mental functioning.
- Juicing reduces physical problems and heals our cells faster. In general, you feel better overall with higher energy. To increase immunity, the body needs a wide assortment of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Juicing is a simple and easy way to meet this need.
And If we’re going to get the most juice out of life, we have to drink the best juice. Here are the benefits of some ingredients you’ll find in our Suja juices!
Apples: Source of Pectin and fibers, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
Benefits: Helps in post workout recovery
Carrots: Highest contributors of Vitamin A. Also include vitamin C, D, E and K, and magnesium, potassium and calcium.
Benefits: Healthier skin and slows the aging process
Cucumbers: Vitamin D, C, B6, B1, A, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Folate
Benefits: Energy, Hydration and Joint Health
Celery: Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C as well as potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and essential amino acids.
Benefits: Recovery and hydration
Blueberries: Source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese and potassium.
Benefits: Memory and Cognition
The 5-Day Real Food Detox: A Sane, Delicious Plan for Fast Weight Loss, Banished Cravings, and Glowing Health
N Sharp - 2016 -
... But all I found were plans advocating
juicing, smoothies, ones that cost almost as much as my
Since I've been eating more nutritiously, my previous
health prob- lems have vanished
... nutrition
is there to enhance your energy, your inner and outer beauty, and your
overall quality of
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... Italso requires your fruitsandvegetables to be cut into small pieces before theycan be
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PR Warman, KA Havard - Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 1997 - Elsevier
... Keywords. Cabbage;
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References. Brandt and Beeson, 1951; CS Brandt, KC Beeson; Influence of organic fertilization
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