Beefsteak Tomatoes:
Classic and most commonly used tomato. Thick, juicy and meaty.Pearl Tomatoes:
Pearl Tomatoes are tender with a thinner skin and hardly any seeds.Red Heirloom Tomatoes:
Red (or pink) varieties have that classic tomato flavor, and a balance of both acid and sweet.Yellow Heirloom Tomatoes:
Orange and yellow varieties have a mild sweet flavor with the lowest acid content of all heirloom tomatoes
Green Heirloom Tomatoes:
Lower in acid than red tomatoes. Often sweet and tart.
Cherry Tomatoes:
Small tomatoes that are sweet juicy and tend to be less mealy than larger varieties.
Roma Tomatoes:
These varieties have less seeds than other tomatoes. Their meatiness makes them great for tomato sauce.
Purple Heirloom Tomatoes:
These often are maroon or brown in color, and are more acidic than green or yellow varieties. They have an almost smoky-sweet flavor profile.
Sam Swensen & Suja Juice