How many times have you heard the phrase “I’m just not a morning person”? I can't tell you how many times I've heard this phrase from people of all ages, and I'm always dying to ask what his/her morning habits are. Does she hit the snooze button one too many times? Does he check his work e-mail before he brushes his teeth?
While I don’t think it's realistic for everyone to jump out of bed at 6am to greet the sun with a smile, I do believe that your morning habits can have a major effect on how you feel for the rest of the day.
In doing some research about things happy people do and talking to several happy "morning people", I found that there are 6 consistent answers I get to how they make their mornings, and the rest of their days more enjoyable:
1. Don’t Hit Snooze
Studies have shown that hitting the snooze button can actually make you more tired, because you mess with your circadian cycle. Keep your alarm far enough away that you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
2. Start with an Affirmation
Give yourself an affirmation, or say something aloud that you're grateful for, to set the stage for a positive day.
3. Stay Unplugged for an Hour
Don’t reach for your phone as soon as you open your eyes! Enjoy a cup of tea or a crossword puzzle before tackling emails and texts.
4. Exercise Early
Research has tied morning exercise to sleeping better, feeling more productive and energized, and feeling less stressed.
5. Take a Shower
Not only can showers help you wake up in the morning, they can also provide some much needed alone time for meditation or self-reflection.
6. Eat Breakfast
I know you’ve heard this one before! Eating a healthy breakfast gives you the energy you need throughout the day, and can help you avoid that infamous 3pm crash.
What are your tips for a happy, healthy morning? Share them in the comments!
Sam Swensen &
Suja Juice