Pictured: Jackie Walton, Suja's Consumer Relations Manager and family
Hey mamas! How are you? I mean really… how are YOU? As a working mom of two littles, I know how easy it is to lose sight of yourself when constantly juggling work and family life. And now being quarantined at home, some of us are wearing even more hats. We are the caregivers, chefs, maids, counselors, teachers, etc. As moms, we aspire to be everything and do anything to ensure our kids are happy so the thought of “me” time, is just that – a thought and never a priority. That said, I am challenging myself and all moms to indulge in some much needed self-care this Mother’s Day. Because if you care for yourself first, you can care for others more effectively. Here are a few daily habits and self-care tips I have incorporated to improve my mood and help me be the best mom I can be:Alone time: Wake up before everyone or go to bed after everyoneExercise: Do yoga, dance, go for a run, ride a bike, hike, walk the dog… anything! Just move your body for 30 minutes a day .Get dressed: Get out of those jammies and put something on that makes you feel good. Get outside: Spend some time in the sun, get some fresh air and connect with nature.Find a hobby: Read, paint, garden, take up bread making (me!)Eat healthier: Drink a Suja juice and incorporate some fresh salads with your new love of baked goods😉Meditate: Calm your mind and reduce stress by practicing 10 minutes of meditation.Socialize: Facetime or Zoom your friends, have a wine or whine party and talk it out.Remember, we’re in this together mama. You got this! I hope you feel extra loved this Mother’s Day!
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